

This week in design – 16th July 2010

by Canonical on 16 July 2010

In this first ever “This week in design”, Iain updates us on the work the design team have been doing on guidelines, the desktop and the font. We also name...


Friday afternoon treats…

by Canonical on 16 July 2010

I came across a thread this afternoon talking about a piece of promotional work by Goce Mitevski for Ubuntu.Simple, elegant and clean. Lovely.


Vote now for a more supportive future!

by Canonical on 14 July 2010

Evan, seen lurking here in the background, has a favour to ask. Stackoverflow is a website that allows professional and enthusiast developers to ask questions...


Ubuntu font: what the glyph!

by Canonical on 8 July 2010

Having read some of the comments and bugs I thought it might be useful to add some clarification on a couple of terms. What we have released so far is only...


The Ubuntu Font Family

by Canonical on 7 July 2010

Ladies and Gentlemen, Today we are kicking off the Ubuntu Font BETA testing. This is a happy day! Today all Ubuntu Members will have access to a private PPA...


Never judge a book by its cover!

by Canonical on 6 July 2010

Ubuntu Software Center has amazing improvements lined-up for Maverick Meerkat and early alpha adopters are highly excited about the progress. However, what is...


Showcase to celebrate ‘Art in the Open’ bringing contributors’ work to millions

by Canonical on 2 July 2010

Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase calls all artists to contribute to next version of Ubuntu Canonical, the company behind the Ubuntu project, today announced its...


Help wanted: Testing programs that use the notification area

by Matthew Paul Thomas on 30 June 2010

We have a list of dozens of Ubuntu programs that use the notification area. What we need now is a description of how each of them use it.


Doing the Polka (dot), step by step

by Canonical on 30 June 2010

Anyone who has seen the new visual identity for Ubuntu and Canonical probably noticed the marketing material includes several stunning images created of...


Discussing Unity in Linux Format

by Canonical on 28 June 2010

Issue 134 (August, 2010) of Linux Format magazine contains an interview by Jono Bacon in which I discuss Unity and other related topics. Below are the...


Art in the open

by Canonical on 23 June 2010

Are you a musician? Do you make beautiful illustrative wallpapers? Do you take amazing photographs? Do you make clever and inspiring videos or animations? You...


Introduction to Unity Launcher

by Canonical on 23 June 2010

This article illustrates briefly the main functionalities of the Launcher for Ubuntu Netbook Edition (aka Unity) and how we got there. Don’t miss the video!