Adam Stokes

Technical Lead Solutions Engineering

Adam is currently a Technical Lead for the Solutions Engineering team at Canonical, part of Ubuntu Core Developer, and an all around opensource evangelist.

8 posts by Adam Stokes

Cloud and server

conjure-up dev summary: you like LXD? we like LXD. Put your floaties on and step up to the Helm!

by Adam Stokes on 26 August 2017

LXDWe’ve taken some preliminary steps in providing the user better feedback when wanting to deploy onto the localhost provider. If conjure-up isn’t able to...

Cloud and server

conjure-up dev summary: aws native integration, vsphere <3, and ADDONS

by Adam Stokes on 19 August 2017

This cycle is aimed at bringing you closer to your cloud provider of choice, advanced configuration options, and to Just Do More with addons.

Cloud and server

Conjure-up dev summary highlights: screen ordering and improved deploy

by Adam Stokes on 27 July 2017

In this latest update we’ve moved all steps to be completed prior to any of those longer blocking tasks and made deployments more resilient.

Cloud and server

Conjure-up dev summary: Week 25

by Adam Stokes on 26 June 2017

With conjure-up 2.2.2 out the door we bring a whole host of improvements!sudo snap install conjure-up --classic Improved LocalhostWe recently switched over...

Cloud and server

conjure-up Canonical Kubernetes under LXD today!

by Adam Stokes on 21 November 2016

We’ve just added the Localhost (LXD) cloud type to the list of supported cloud type on which you can deploy The Canonical Distribution of Kubernetes. What...

Cloud and server

What’s the easiest way to start using big software? Meet Conjure-up

by Adam Stokes on 9 June 2016

Have a big software project you want to get in front of users with the least amount of barriers? Maybe it has a lot of dependencies, target runtimes, and/or...

Cloud and server

Juju plugin: search charmstore

by Adam Stokes on 25 November 2015

Sometimes it is just quicker to type a few commands on the cli than opening your browser window, going to and typing out a search term to see...

Cloud and server

Extending Juju, Plugin basics in Go

by Adam Stokes on 17 November 2015

This is a quick introduction on extending Juju with plugins written in Go. What we’ll cover:Setting up your Go environmentGetting the Juju source codeWriting...