

UbuntuKylin steals the show at OCOW Summit

by Jon Melamut on 6 August 2013

UbuntuKylin was awarded the Number 1 China Open Source Project for 2013 at the eighth Open Source China – Open Source World Summit in Beijing at Beihang University.

Phone and tablet

Ubuntu on smartphones at Mobile Asia Expo

by Canonical on 24 June 2013

Ubuntu mobile OS already in use, and backed by major global carriers Mobile Asia Expo starts this week in Shanghai, and we’re getting ready to show off the...

Cloud and server

Cyberport offers innovative cloud-based services for Hong Kong’s technology entrepreneurs

by Canonical on 21 May 2013

OpenStack and Ubuntu provide secure, cost-effective cloud infrastructure Summary To give local start-ups and entrepreneurs access to infrastructure and...


Canonical and Chinese standards body announce Ubuntu collaboration

by Canonical on 21 March 2013

CSIP defines a new reference architecture for standard operating systems in China CSIP, Canonical and NUDT from the CCN Open Source Innovation Joint Lab to...


Canonical and Dell announce today that Dell laptops pre-loaded with Ubuntu will be sold in 850 retail outlets in India.

by Canonical on 18 June 2012

Dell launch with Ubuntu at retail in India Canonical and Dell announce today that Dell laptops pre-loaded with Ubuntu will be sold in 850 retail outlets in...


Ubuntu pre-loaded Dell laptops to be sold in retail outlets in India

by Canonical on 18 June 2012

Dell launch with Ubuntu at retail in India Canonical and Dell announce today that Dell laptops pre-loaded with Ubuntu will be sold in 850 retail outlets in...


AMTRON delivers 28,000 Ubuntu-based PCs to students in Assam

by Canonical on 10 November 2010

India-based government information and communication technologies (ICT) provider The Assam Electronics Development Corporation (AMTRON) needed to provide...